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Chiropractic Adjustment

The adjustment is a very useful tool in treating a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions. It’s main goal is to restore proper motion to a restricted or fixated join which reduces pain and increases function to the joint and surrounding tissues.


Dry Needling

While the name of the procedure may sound a bit scary, dry needling is safe, and a very effective technique for patients with certain musculoskeletal presentations. A thin monofilament needle penetrates the skin and treats underlying muscular trigger points for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement dysfunctions.

So, what is a trigger point? A trigger point is a local contracture or tight band in a muscle fiber that can disrupt function, restrict range of motion, refer pain or cause local tenderness. When dry needling is applied to a dysfunctional muscle or trigger point, it can decrease banding or tightness, increase blood flow, and reduce local and referred pain.

Dry needling treats muscle tissue, and its goal is to decrease pain, release  trigger points, and restore function. Dry needling can be used for a wide variety of musculoskeletal issues, such as plantar fasciitis, sciatica, neck pain, rotator cuff tendinitis and many other conditions.


Active Rehabilitation

Along with our many other useful treatment options, Dr. Jake always gives exercises to help increase stability and strength to certain areas that he found deficits in. These exercises help get our patients better faster!


Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

A manual therapy treatment technique that utilizes specially designed instruments to assist in detecting and treating areas exhibiting scar tissue, soft tissue restriction, adhesions, or chronic inflammation.  It involves repeated “scrapes” in the area of treatment to help break up adhesions or restrictions and to promote blood flow and healing.

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